Fishermen Club is the ideal fish cabinet game for players who would enjoy defeating flame dragons, lucky birds and tiger monsters. This game also employs the use of special weapons including an Energy Laser, Power Grid and Invincible Bomb! This game has a high-definition screen design, can support 4, 6, 8 or 10 players and also has 19 different types of fish, and addition 7 special weapons and a detailed underwater shipwreck scene.
Special Weapons:
Energy Laser, Power Grid and Invincible Bomb - In addition to its amazing visual effects, it also gives you High-Score rewards. (Special weapons will shoot automatically if the player didn’t launch in 5 minutes.)
- Energy Laser - Slit fishes in a straightforward direction
- Power Grid - Last in the fields in a sustained 5 seconds
- Invincible Bomb - Damage all fishes in the field at a time
Special Reward Items:
- Breaker Throne ball - Kill blowfish while lighted up will drop breaker throne ball. Rolling in the field attacking fishes. (bounce after hit walls)
- Fish King - Fishes surrounded by dolphin ring become Fish King. Killing the Fish King causes all same kind of fishes in the field to die and gets the scores.
- Mermaid Explosion - Combination of Angel Mermaid and Mega Explosion!! Kill all normal fishes in the field.
- Lucky Fish - When killing the lucky fish, the player will get an x2~x10 Bonus reward for any kind of fish. The maximum reward is 1000 time Bets!!