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Highway Entertainment Distributing Arcooda Arcade Machines

Highway Entertainment Distributing Arcooda Arcade Machines
Highway Entertainment Distributing Arcooda Arcade Machines
Arcooda arcade machines due to be released in the next two months will be distributed throughout Australia by Highway Entertainment.

The Australian manufacturing company has spent more than three years developing a number of machines that combine arcade and home gaming.

After the successful release of its Game Wizard Xtreme in 2015, Arcooda is now releasing its Touch Wizard desktop arcade machine and Game Wizard for Android upright cabinet.

Both machines, which are built with an Android operating system, will be available from November 2016.

The highly anticipated Arcooda Video Pinball machine will be available in January 2017.

Arcooda Video Pinball is the most advanced video pinball machine currently available in the world.

It is a full-sized digital pinball machine that includes never-before-seen features on a video pinball machine such as a touchscreen playfield.

For more information about any of the machines please look under Arcooda on the Highway Entertainment site.

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